Friday, November 2, 2007

Making Noise in H'Wood

Hey everyone, really appreciate the emails and words of support.

Thought I'd let you know that I got a nice dose of publicity from the LA Times this afternoon:

Getting some calls from independent producers with nothing of substance. I hate to be strict about stuff like this, but I really am only looking for offers from top producers, agents and studios with connections to major green light financing. Thanks again!

I'll be sure to keep the updates coming!


EvilRbt said...

You're a jackass. Educate yourself on the facts behind the strike. Do you know anything about the DVD residuals issue?

Also, if you're going to tout yourself as a talented writer make sure your writing is free or typos and try not to come across as an ignorant prick.

thombomb said...

Hey Charles,

Writing is a dream for me. I'd do it for free forever if that was the only way. I'm sorry if your pursuit of the L.A. lifestyle has robbed you of your passion for the craft.

Dream on,


EvilRbt said...


If you cross the picket lines, once the strike ends you'll never write in this town again. So perhaps my dream is a little more long-term than yours and I'm not the kind of opportunist who will exploit a bad situation for personal gain.

If you're such a talented writer, sell your masterpiece when there isn't a strike.

Unknown said...

nice 818 area code. How's burbank?

blah said...

Your writing ability is really nothing to tout about. It's firstly WRITERS' strike. As in not a writer's strike. More than one = writers.