Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Might Quit Writing

Okay, I've been out here about a week and a half and haven't had any firm offers to ply my unreal writing talents. Oh well. Plus I've read a lot of stuff about writers only making $5,000/year. Is that true? Wow, that sux. So I'm thinking about getting into something more lucrative like hedge fund management or venture capital crap. I'm willing to work for a public company as well. Anything with some nice stock goodies at low, low strike prices. I'm game, just ping me.

Actors Are The Worst

Just a funny/obvious observation….I love how these famous actors make a show of walking the picket line with the writers for a few hours. But of course they aren’t doing anything other than getting press for being arm in arm with "the people.” I mean seriously, how can anyone not analyze the fact that the SAG could totally disable Hollywood if they actually stood up and refused to work and accept studios $? I’m not a WGA apologist by any means, but I just think it’s funny how freaking selfish and shallow actors are. Totally self-satisfied, it’s just like the stuff with the environment…do something “green” for a few hours at an award show and get to feel like a freaking visionary. Unbelivable.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Non-Union Superstar Ready to Cross WGA Picket Line

Hi everyone,

Here's my latest post on Craigslist:

I've had a lot of response so far. As I've said, I'm a non-union writer with a recently minted creative writing degree from Seton Hall University. I am available immediately to walk through the WGA picket line like Lawrence Taylor going after the quarterback. Once I bust into that writing room (preferably a hit program like 30 Rock or CSI) it's magic time.

Contact me on my blog at


This is what the Writers Strike is about?

This kind of thing explains why I'm willing to cross the picket line:


What kind of brotherhood is this? This is the rarified organiation I'm supposed to be loyal to? It's just like the ironworkers fighting for living wages in the 1930s so they could fee their families. Long live the working class (unless I'm a WGA writer who need the afternoon off to wash my Porsche)!

Friday, November 2, 2007

To Clarify, Not a Scab

Some people seem to be rather critical of my plan. Just to clarify, I think based on my body of work and talents, I eventually would have been in the WGA...but, as it so happens, an opportunity may come up for somebody like me to fill in on a prime time hit show. So I'm not ruling out the writers guild in the future...for now however, I just have to do my own thang. Hope that explains it.

Making Noise in H'Wood

Hey everyone, really appreciate the emails and words of support.

Thought I'd let you know that I got a nice dose of publicity from the LA Times this afternoon:


Getting some calls from independent producers with nothing of substance. I hate to be strict about stuff like this, but I really am only looking for offers from top producers, agents and studios with connections to major green light financing. Thanks again!

I'll be sure to keep the updates coming!